The logo has a number of versions to accommodate all its usage contexts: on book spines, in front matter and online. The above tote bag was produced for its 15th anniversary bash.
When Bookthug Press was founded in 2004, its name reflected its role as a strappy upstart on the Canadian literary publishing scene. The publisher changed its name to Book*hug in 2017, in response to criticism of the unintended racial connotations of the word “thug.” Ironically, the publisher has always specialized in books by marginalized and racialized writers — books that might otherwise have been omitted.
The Book*hug Press logo is a wordmark that emphasizes the asterisk: “a symbol used to mark printed or written text, typically as a reference to an annotation or to stand for omitted matter.” The asterisk recognizes this history and moves on — with a new fiery-red symbol, positive and spark-like, a catalyst for the bold, innovative and risky.
The wordmark is set in PMN Caecilia, a humanist slab-serif font designed in 1990 that is known as one of the most readable of slab serifs. It has open forms and a friendly feel with nod to tradition.
Previous iterations of the Book*hug Press logo.
Overview of Projects
Urban Park GuelphLogo and Graphic Support for NGO
The SingularityBook Design
Cartographies of DisappearanceBook Design
Guelph Climate Action NetworkLogo and Graphic Support for NGO
Walking & StealingBook Design
ToxemiaBook Design
Is It Weather or Is It Climate ChangeBook Design
Cane | FireBook Design
LearnedBook Design
Greenbelt West CoalitionLogo and Graphic Support for NGO
The Secret World of LichensBook Design
Animal EyesBook Design
Stop Idling TicketEnvironmental Activism
Nikki Rodriguez Real EstateLogo Design
See yoU in GuelphDesign and Illustration
Duct-Taped RosesBook Cover
The Absence of ZeroBook Cover
Pizza PiLogo Design
Hillside HomesideLogo Design
Guelph Chamber ChoirBranding
Jaywalking GuelphLogo Design
String Theory Yarn ShopLogo Design
Guelph Film Festival 2020Illustration and Design
TreeTrustLogo Design
Elevate GuelphLogo
Re-Origin of SpeciesBook Design
Write Across CanadaBook Cover
Hockey Hall of Fame Book of PlayersBook Cover Design
The Better BallotEthical Elections Campaign
Protect Our MoraineBranding
Dear Current OccupantBook Cover Design
PhantompainsBook Cover Design
Trina Koster PhotographyBranding
Guelph MuseumsCommunications and Exhibit Design
Guelph DancePromotional Design
Encyclopedia of WhalesBook Design
SuperJuicingBook Design
Doors Open GuelphBranding
Art Gallery of GuelphLogo and Identity
The AromatherapistBranding
Burlington Performing Arts CentreCommunications
Sol BeautyBranding
Hillside FestivalPromotion Design
Planet Bean CoffeeBranding
Thomas VideoLogo Design
Against Cruise TestingGraphic Design in the 1980s Toronto Peace Movement
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