
Protect Our Moraine

When a citizens group was formed in the summer of 2018 to quickly to convince the City of Guelph to prioritize the environment in the development of the Clair-Maltby area (a part of the Paris-Galt moraine), they turned to Lind Design for branding assistance. They wanted to come out of the gate strong in order to rally support for a council meeting only three weeks away. They had no name, no logo and no website. 

The logo, created within a week, uses type to illustrate the role of a moraine, showing a droplet of water dripping down from the R in “our,” seeping through the ground to accumulate as a larger droplet in the rock formations — the O of “moraine.” (One of our goals was to educate the public, most of whom were not aware of the moraine’s existence, let alone what a moraine is.)


This postcard was produced to inform Guelph’s citizens about an upcoming council meeting. An unusual format (11 x 2.75") was used to stand out from all the other issues vying for attention.

The Clair-Maltby area will be Guelph’s largest urban expansion and could be home to 25,000 people. If this development is not planned properly, there will be negative changes to the water table, community livability and strength of the local economy.

I called upon Curt Hammond of Pearl Street Communications to help with the naming, messaging and branding and recruited Dean Palmer to take photographs of the threatened area. Once the name, Protect Our Moraine, was chosen, the logo was executed within a week. It uses type to illustrate the role of a moraine, showing a droplet of water dripping down from the R in “our,” seeping through the ground to accumulate in the rock systems below — an important resource for both a healthy ecosystem and healthy citizens.

Overview of Projects

Urban Park GuelphLogo and Graphic Support for NGO

The SingularityBook Design

Guelph Climate Action NetworkLogo and Graphic Support for NGO

Walking & StealingBook Design

ToxemiaBook Design

Cane | FireBook Design

LearnedBook Design

Greenbelt West CoalitionLogo and Graphic Support for NGO

Animal EyesBook Design

Stop Idling TicketEnvironmental Activism

See yoU in GuelphDesign and Illustration

Duct-Taped RosesBook Cover

Pizza PiLogo Design

Hillside HomesideLogo Design

Jaywalking GuelphLogo Design

Guelph Film Festival 2020Illustration and Design

Book*hug PressBranding

TreeTrustLogo Design

The Better BallotEthical Elections Campaign

Dear Current OccupantBook Cover Design

PhantompainsBook Cover Design

Guelph MuseumsCommunications and Exhibit Design

Guelph DancePromotional Design

SuperJuicingBook Design

Art Gallery of GuelphLogo and Identity

Sol BeautyBranding

Hillside FestivalPromotion Design

Thomas VideoLogo Design

Against Cruise TestingGraphic Design in the 1980s Toronto Peace Movement

Wifi Icon 245 Footer 75

123 Woolwich Street
Suite 102
Guelph ON N1H 3V1

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 519 831 9833

© 2024 Lind Design